Chip 1997 December
CHIPNET Aralık 1997.iso
Text File
483 lines
object CommandWizard: TCommandWizard
Left = 246
Top = 108
BorderStyle = bsDialog
Caption = 'Command Wizard'
ClientHeight = 290
ClientWidth = 493
Font.Color = clWindowText
Font.Height = -11
Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
Font.Style = []
Position = poScreenCenter
OnCreate = FormCreate
OnDestroy = FormDestroy
PixelsPerInch = 96
TextHeight = 13
object Label2: TLabel
Left = 4
Top = 8
Width = 47
Height = 13
Caption = 'Command'
object Bevel1: TBevel
Left = 160
Top = 8
Width = 5
Height = 277
Shape = bsLeftLine
object Info1: TLabel
Left = 172
Top = 172
Width = 65
Height = 13
Alignment = taRightJustify
AutoSize = False
Caption = 'Info1'
Visible = False
object Info2: TLabel
Left = 172
Top = 196
Width = 65
Height = 13
Alignment = taRightJustify
AutoSize = False
Caption = 'Info2'
Visible = False
object Info3: TLabel
Left = 172
Top = 220
Width = 65
Height = 13
Alignment = taRightJustify
AutoSize = False
Caption = 'Info3'
Visible = False
object Comms: TOutline
Left = 12
Top = 24
Width = 141
Height = 257
Lines.Nodes = (
'File handling'
'Flow control'
'Group handling'
'Sounds and output'
'User windows'
OutlineStyle = osText
Options = [ooDrawFocusRect]
ItemHeight = 13
TabOrder = 0
OnClick = CommsClick
ItemSeparator = '\'
object Memo1: TMemo
Left = 64
Top = 4
Width = 61
Height = 17
Lines.Strings = (
'number of parameters'
'parameter-type space parameter-name'
'number of lines for the command'
'command lines (parameters are inserted at #1#)'
'- <NAME> <type> type : - n : single number can'#39't be ' +
' - t : single text can be bl' +
' - v : variable can'#39't be ' +
' - e : expression can'#39't be ' +
't Mud name'
'@CONNECT #1#'
'@CONNECT <name> attempts to connect to the specified MUD. <Mud n' +
'ame> is a string containing the name of one of the MUDs known to' +
' ELF in the connection dialog.'
'When the connection is established, the alias OnConnect is calle' +
'@DISCONNECT closes the connection to the current MUD. If no MUD ' +
'is connected, nothing happens.'
'When disconnection has taken place, the alias OnDisconnect is ca' +
'n Delay (sec)'
'e Commands'
'@QUEUE #1#'
'Executes the specified sequence of commands after DELAY seconds.'
'Forces ELF to recognise tick.'
'e Comment'
'@REM #1#'
'Used for writing a comment (REMark) in a sequence of commands. T' +
'he rest of the line is ignored.'
't Variable name'
'e Expression'
'@ASSIGN #1#'
'Assigns <expression> to the specified <variable>. The expression' +
' must be either string or numeric depending on the type of the s' +
'pecified variable.'
'n Id'
'@FCL #1#'
'Closes the file identified by id.'
'n Id'
't Text'
'@FWR #1#'
'Writes text in the file identified by id.'
'v Variable'
'@CALL #1#'
'Executes the commands contained in the referenced variable. Comm' +
'ands may be separated with #13 or with '#39'^'#39'.'
'This command is very useful to define sequences of commands that' +
' can change at run-time.'
'e Expression'
'@IF #1#'
'Apprises the following numerical expression. If its value equals' +
' 0, then the subsequent two commands will be skipped.'
'n To be skipped'
'@SKIP #1#'
'Causes the next n commands to be skipped (not executed).'
'e Test condition'
'@WHILE #1#'
'The @WHILE meta-command is paired by @ENDW. It is useful to crea' +
'te a loop.'
'@WHILE loops CAN'#39'T BE NESTED.'
't New member'
'Apprises the subsequent string expression and adds it to the gro' +
'up, avoiding duplications.'
'Cancels all present group members.'
'Use this to interactively edit the members of your group (same a' +
's CTRL-E).'
't Old member'
'Apprises the subsequent string expression and removes it from th' +
'e group.'
't File name'
't Text'
'@FWRITE #1#'
'Writes text at the end of file.'
'ATTENTION : @FWRITE doesn'#39't automatically insert an end of line.' +
' You have to add #13 to do so.'
't New log name'
'@LOG #1#'
'Changes the name of LOG FILE and attempts to open it immediately' +
'. If an error occurs, ELF will go back to the former name and, i' +
'f in case, attempts to reopen it.'
't Text'
'@NEWLINE #1#'
'Changes the content of the line on which triggers are being chec' +
'After executing @NEWLINE "text", subsequent triggers will be che' +
'cked on the new text.'
'@NLOCAL var1,...,varN'
'@NLOCAL var1,var2,...,@varN creates @VAR1, @VAR2, up to @VARN a' +
's LOCAL NUMERIC variables. Such variables substitute for the exi' +
'sting ones by the same name and may act like any other variable.'
'LOCAL variables exist for the entire execution of the series of ' +
'linked commands.'
'Should a @CALL be executed or an alias be called, local variable' +
's would survive in such sub-programs (where other local variable' +
's may be defined, even by the same name).'
't Text'
'@SEND #1#'
'Evaluates the subsequent string expression and sends it to the M' +
'UD, translating special characters ("ATZ#13" is translated to "A' +
'TZ" followed by char whose ASCII code is 13).'
'NOTE : after the string, CR is NOT automatically appended. If de' +
'sired, it must be specified, ending the string by '#39'#13'#39'.'
'@SLOCAL var1,...,varN'
'@SLOCAL var1,var2,...,@varN creates @VAR1, @VAR2, up to @VARN a' +
's LOCAL STRING variables. Such variables substitute for the exis' +
'ting ones by the same name and may act like any other variable.'
'LOCAL variables exist for the entire execution of the series of ' +
'linked commands.'
'Should a @CALL be executed or an alias be called, local variable' +
's would survive in such sub-programs (where other local variable' +
's may be defined, even by the same name).'
't Sound file'
'@BEEP #1#'
'Plays <soundfile>, where <soundfile> can be .MID or .WAV.'
't Text'
'@OUTMSG #1#'
'Apprises the string subsequent expression and outputs it to the ' +
'screen'#39's bottom line (the copyright one).'
't Text'
'@OUTSTR #1#'
'Apprises the subsequent string expression and outputs it to the ' +
'screen. The string may contain special codes, specified by the s' +
'ymbol '#39'#'#39' and the corresponding ASCII code.'
't Text'
'@TOCLIP #1#'
'Puts <text> in the CLIPBOARD.'
'n Id'
't Text'
'@WADD #1#'
'Writes <text> in user window <id> on the line beyond the last on' +
'n Id'
'@WCLEAR #1#'
'Clears user window <id>.'
'n Id'
'@WCLOSE #1#'
'Clears user window <id>.'
'n Id'
'@WHIDE #1#'
'Hides user window <id>.'
'n Id'
'n Line #'
't Text'
'@WPUT #1#'
'Writes <text> in user window <id> on the <line #>. The first lin' +
'e number is 0.'
'n Id'
'@WSHOW #1#'
'Shows (unhides) user window <id>.'
TabOrder = 1
Visible = False
WordWrap = False
object Edit1: TEdit
Left = 240
Top = 168
Width = 249
Height = 21
TabOrder = 2
Visible = False
OnChange = Edit1Change
object Edit2: TEdit
Left = 240
Top = 192
Width = 249
Height = 21
TabOrder = 3
Visible = False
OnChange = Edit1Change
object Edit3: TEdit
Left = 240
Top = 216
Width = 249
Height = 21
TabOrder = 4
Visible = False
OnChange = Edit1Change
object Memo2: TMemo
Left = 168
Top = 8
Width = 321
Height = 153
BorderStyle = bsNone
Color = clBtnFace
Ctl3D = True
Lines.Strings = (
'Select a command from the list.'
'The necessary parameters will be shown.'
'Enter them and then press OK.'
'That'#39's all :-)')
ParentCtl3D = False
ReadOnly = True
TabOrder = 5
object BitBtn1: TBitBtn
Left = 392
Top = 256
Width = 75
Height = 25
TabOrder = 6
Kind = bkCancel
object ok: TBitBtn
Left = 308
Top = 256
Width = 75
Height = 25
Enabled = False
TabOrder = 7
OnClick = okClick
Kind = bkOK